Three cheers / CREATIVE BURST

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Last night, I woke up at 1 a.m. + started blindly patting around for my cell phone and laptop (you don't sleep with your's right next to you, too?!). Jeff woke up + asked me what I was doing + I looked at him, stone-faced, and said, "I'm having a creative burst right now. I must ride this one out." 'creative burst' consisted of watching old episodes of Real Housewives + finding items in my fridge to put peanut butter on in vain.

This is reason 345 why I feel blessed to not be the star of a reality TV series in which I am filmed 24 hours a day.
Actually, that's a lie.
Like, wouldn't that be fascinating watching your everyday life? ON THE TV? I would DVR that crap...
Just kidding.
Sort of.

But three cheers to Jeff for not laughing hysterically at me/making me put $.25 in the 'I'm being pretentious' jar (truth: we don't have one of these...yet. Considering starting one because I have been watching a lot of mindless documentaries + own two pairs of non-prescription glasses). This is what love is, huh?


P.S. Another B + W grainy picture of me + Jeff. You are welcome. Ask and you shall receive, have zits + filter it in B + W.
Isn't that how it goes?


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