LOVE list on a Thursday //

Thursday, November 13, 2014

SNOW // All of the holiday decorations up at department stores // Jeff naming his fantasy football team after a 'Music Man' song. It balances out, right? Go team Shipoopi! // Getting my apartment *mostly* together. It looks like less of a hospital room now + that is a feat // Watching all of Marry Me on Hulu. Guys, I am hooked. // Tarte's Maracuja oil. Heaven for my dry Utah face. // Diet Coke with pomegranate + fresh lime, per recommendation of The Alison Show('s Instagram. Let's be real here) // packages from my mama in the mail. Nothing better //  This quote I read today :

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring."  - George Santayana

// being justifiably gluttonous and lazy because, hi. Below freezing weather // the kids I subbed today guessing that I was 16 (also it should be noted that three guessed I was 45) // Costco grapes + gluten free bread (the BEST. In the normal bread section. So good.) + guac // rewatching Portlandia for the second time this year. Thank you, Netflix. Thank you, free time. // To-Do lists that are DONE (for once) // Forgetting my gym pass yesterday + getting turned away at the front desk. I almost kissed the receptionist for forcing me to not workout. BLESS YOU. // Long talks with high-school friends // Bacon. Always bacon. // the winter line of candles at Bath + Body works. My whole house smells like a pine tree. And burnt eggs, but let's not dwell on that. // Obsessively gift-searching for my family. // Beet hummus + Mary's Gone crackers // NOVEMBER // Happy, happy JOY JOY!

Ha. The picture in the right corner is when we were trying to figure out the self-timer. Fail Confusion. Jeff chill as ever. 'bout sums us up. //

p.s. speaking of Portlandia, this sketch. Woof. For some odd reason, Jeff + I love it. Two summers ago, we endlessly quoted it. So good. A-O RIVER!


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