
Sunday, September 9, 2012

hi everyone! i moved to blogger -- how exciting is this?! i just felt like i need a change, you know? plus i realized it won't be 'simple brooke' forever. there's jeff too, you know? and since 99% of this blog is pictures and stories about him, i thought i might just include him in the title. kind of. there's still a lot of work to do design-wise but it's coming along. right?

oh, and this is my living room.

this weekend was not long enough. i felt like it went by so quickly and i hardly had any time to mourn over the split of will arnett and amy pohler or paint my toes (quick poll: is black nail polish on the toes a no-go? i kind of think my toes are too fat. but really). we spent an obligatory half at the football game -- it was so blazing hot! -- and quickly made a dessert for the ward social. and by quickly, i mean we chopped up apples and snickers and stirred in cool whip. pinterest calls it 'silly green salad' but i call it slacker-married-slacker. the poor bowl didn't stand a chance on the dessert table. apparently my relief society is full of over achievers? i am fairly certain i saw a dessert that predicted the future, shot off fireworks, and repeated the constitution. all while tasting like peanut buttery goodness. 

poor little green salad.

we stayed longer than we anticipated at the social. and even maybe, MAYBE made couple-friends? maybe? you guys, i am terrible at it. i am way too over-eager and keep scaring them away! who needs couple-friends anyways? 

unless you do. in which case, let's be friends? want to come over for dinner? let's plan a couple's vacation?! i love you. best friends. 


  1. OK I think we've really only met once (at Annabel's bridal shower), but can I just say I love your cute blog? You are an incredibly witty and funny writer! Hopefully you're not too creeped out! :)

    1. Oh my gosh, I totes remember you! Duh! And thank you so much, oh my word. Your blog is presh, too.

  2. i do not leave people comments. like ever. but. BUT! you, are, so, fa-reak-diddly-ink-ing hulllurrrious. brag: sometimes i write stuff and I'm like like, cha that was kinda funny. but the stuff you come up with is just too much! where does it come from? how are you so funny? at what point were you like who is this girl and please stop talking?

    ok. don't stop blogging. you are so going to make bank off your blog soon. and you should give me 10% worth because i said so.

    keep on trucking'! seriously though, shut up lauren and just post this stupidamn comment already.

  3. three cheers for your blog move and your iphone! LNW tonight?

  4. chalkboard in the living room? i love. also, black nail polish is sort of my go-to for the toes so i say it's a go, a definite go.

  5. Doug says I am way too eager to make friends too! So if I didn't scare you off with my over-eagerness, maybe the whole couple-friend thing could work out?

    1. let's plan a couple's vacation? hahaha. that's so funny doug says the same thing!


be nice?


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