Happy December // Brrrrr...

Monday, December 1, 2014


I have been so looking forward to this month.

I feel like this December is going to be one for the books. I'm turning 22 + can finally use and abuse Taylor Swift's song lyrics (you have to! You're feelin' 22!), Jeff + I are headed up to Idaho for two weeks(ish), and I can now openly indulge in all things Christmas. Because I've been hyping my December up, I made a list of things I wanted to do/see/eat. Here's a few :

|| Go iceskating (I used to hate iceskating; I'm blaming it on sexual tension?
Too much pressure to hold hands. NOW I'm excited to just blade, y'all)
|| MoTab Christmas Concert // Savior of the World
|| Survive working seasonal in retail (oof...)
|| work my way through the 'Folksy Christmas' playlist on Spotify. SO GOOD.
(...and Justin Bieber's Christmas album. Ha. Ain't no shame.)
|| See the lights at the Temple + in Lewiston, Idaho (...almost the same thing, ha).
|| Visit CDA + hike Tubbs.
|| Ski!
|| Read the B.O.M. every single day for at least 30 minutes.
|| Go see Unbroken, Selma, + The Christmas Story (at the Kenworthy)
|| TURN 22!

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p.s. Jeff + I are back in Utah! Why is it that any time you finish a road trip, you feel the need to ravenously eat? We were basically plum out of food, so we had some interesting combinations from our pantry (peanut butter + figs are shockingly tasty, wouldn't you know?).

p.p.s. this picture was taken last January in Coeur d'Alene with my mama; we were hiking/walking Tubbs hill + it was so freezing but so pretty...a star jump was an obvious choice. 


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