summer, as told by my phone.

Monday, August 22, 2011

  1. The large $1.67 Diet Coke I would drag myself across the street to Wendy’s for when I got real desperate (the caffeine free Diet Coke offered all over BYU campus was just not conducive to my lifestyle).
  2. Routine mid-day nap: ruined!
  3. San Francisco with my brothers. Is that a gang sign of sorts, Chad?
  4. The forsaken psychology class that occupied my Monday and Wednesday mornings and was also the recipient of all words cursed during my BYU experience.
  5. My father breaking up the wedding day preparation with a cheer about…weddings?
  6. Reading. Reading. Reading. How did I just discover Life of Pi?
  7. Pie day in cooking class! Mine is the square one. Hey, I passed…with a B+.
  8. Fish tacos that blew my mind in Laguna (no Kristen, no LC; just fish tacos).
  9. One of the manymanymany pictures I sent to my mom to prove that I was, indeed, making an effort to look like I was not born in a barn.
  10. One of the manymanymany pictures I sent my mom to prove that I was wearing makeup. And that my hair had grown!
  11. The lovely Three Arch beach in Laguna. I could have just stayed there forever.
  12. A lovely view of the great Salt Lake City from a rock that reminded me of the Lion King. A Rafiki/Simba reenactment soon followed.
  13. The most charming little boy ever who told me that I was his “ Fourth of July girlfriend.” Now if only I could find a “Christmas,” “Birthday,” and “Valentine’s Day” boyfriend.
  14. Tina Fey’s Bossypants accompanying me to a quick trip to Portland, Oregon. Miss Fey earned me a total of 342 strange looks in the airport when I would burst out laughing over and over again.
  15. I’m a hoarder…but it all fit! Now lets just cross our fingers for my fall wardrobe.
  16. Snapping a quick and creepy picture of my friend Phil at Walmart. Just look at that outfit? I could die.
  17. One of the manymanymany jobs that I applied for while in Provo. I believe this one is to be a janitor at a Laundromat. My diminishing bank account has no shame.
  18. For a few days I pretended to like running long distances willingly and obviously had to document the rare moment.
  19. Shopping at my favorite store in Moscow, The Storm Cellar, and scoring a wonderfully sheer white dress. Score! It is also polyester. Score?
  20. Finally back in Moscow for a few days realizing that nothing has changed in Moscow…besides a frozen yogurt place! We are officially a town! (Alpine vanilla yogurt, granola, coconut flakes, mangoes, kiwi, and every berry offered topped with a little bit of honey—heaven in a bowl).
  21. Oh! One more thing changed. Jason wears man tanks now. And also lives in Hawaii. That’s almost as great as a frozen yogurt place, almost.


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