chopsticks and head-scratching.

Friday, February 17, 2012

background: this weekend jeff’s (that’s his name! curse of the j’s!) parentals are in town and yesterday he wanted me to meet them. HOLY NERVOUS! i started to have a minor (MAJOR!) panic attack and consulted my mother for help. i asked her what i should wear and what i should say and should i use my real name? or make up a new one? do i shake hands? hug? how long is too long of a hug? friend pat? back scratch? should i just kiss them on the mouth? i texted her in ALL CAPITALS to get on facebook chat where she coached me up and told me to maybe, probably not kiss them. ever.
i looked back on the conversation this morning and realized that my mom evidently has loads and loads of faith in my meet-the-parents skills……and for the record (mom!), it went swimmingly… and i only scratched my head with chopsticks once when the attention was off of me, at least i’m almost sure.


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